2024-2025 Research Applications
Call for 2024-25 Research Applications
Deadline: September 30, 2024
The +Policy Network solicits applications from Virginia Tech faculty who wish to pursue research projects with policy relevance. The overarching goal of the +PN is to integrate, connect, and expand policy knowledge—broadly defined—across disciplines. This call supports two initiatives: the +Policy Fellows program, now in its 7th year; and the Policy Scholars program, in its second iteration and designed to enable researchers without policy expertise to obtain tailored guidance by collaborating with a faculty expert. Please see the program information below. Researchers may submit only one application for either the +Policy Fellows Program or the Policy Scholar Professional Development Program but cannot submit to both.
1. +Policy Fellows Program
Click here to download the full RFP
This Program is aimed at helping researchers with policy expertise (a) join or collaborate with an extant or newly forming interdisciplinary research team that otherwise lacks a member with policy knowledge; or (b) to extend a policy scholar’s expertise into a new area. Accordingly, the award will support either collaboration between a policy researcher (the Fellow) and members of a research team, or an individual policy scholar collaborating with a content expert to develop his/her expertise in that individual’s area. The selection committee will give priority to applications from interdisciplinary teams or, if a single scholar, interdisciplinary research, a mentoring/collaboration plan and clear plans for future inquiry.
This year we have earmarked funding for one Fellows proposal focused on health policy (sponsored by the Pandemic Prediction and Prevention (PPP) Destination Area 2.0). We leave it to the aspiring Fellow to define health policy in relation to his or her application; many types of health policy research are of interest.
All +Policy Fellow proposals are expected to result in external funding proposals within three years post-award. Other deliverables may include team publication(s) or presentations, a policy brief and/or extensive or high-impact public dissemination of research findings. We ask that the Fellow provide the +PN with a brief written progress report, suitable for website posting at the end of the first year and by 2027 or project completion, whichever occurs first, a 3–5-page policy brief or summary of the project with an outline of its policy implications.
2. Policy Scholar Professional Development Program
Click here to download the full RFP
This initiative is designed to assist researchers who lack policy expertise, but who wish to address policy questions or develop a policy focus in their work. The Scholar will collaborate with a Virginia Tech faculty member who will serve as policy coach or mentor. Examples of possible activities and deliverables include:
- Collaborating on a joint article or grant proposal that has policy relevance
- Collaborating on developing and disseminating a policy brief or research tool
- Engaging in regular coaching/mentoring sessions that lead to a Scholar-authored article or grant proposal
The Virginia Tech faculty member serving as policy collaborator or mentor can be someone the Scholar has worked with before or may represent a new relationship. If the applicant does not have a policy colleague in mind, applicants may contact Isabel Bradburn, the +PN director (isbrad@vt.edu) for a list of faculty members who have agreed to mentor or for other suggestions. The +PN will hold a "Meet & Greet" event September 10, 3:30-6 pm, at the 2 Institute for Society, Culture and Environment (ISCE), which will provide an opportunity to network with policy-oriented colleagues.
The policy expert will provide guidance and otherwise assist the Scholar in developing his or her policy-related knowledge. For example, Scholars and mentors might fully collaborate on a policy study; Scholars might consult with their mentors as they develop their project research designs; mentors might help Scholars understand possible theoretical explanations or expectations in the policy context in which they will be working or consider different audiences and applications for their findings. Mentors may also serve as co-authors. As such, applications must include a brief expected collaboration/mentorship plan in their applications. The budget request should reflect an allocation of resources to both Scholar and mentor, with a larger sum assigned to the Scholar (see Application Guidelines, Budget, for details).
Deliverables may include one or more of the following, within 3 years of award: (1) external funding proposal that incorporates a significant policy dimension; (2) academic publication or (3) policy brief. We also ask that Scholars provide the +PN with a brief written progress report at the end of the first year suitable for website posting and by 2027 or research completion, whichever occurs earlier, a policy brief OR summary of the project with a policy implications section. A member of the +Policy Network Research Committee will check in with Scholar-mentor pairs at the start of the spring 2025 semester (unless an earlier conversation appears warranted) and we anticipate conducting exit interviews with the Scholar and mentor-collaborator approximately one-year post-award as a part of evaluating this initiative. Both Scholar and mentor-collaborator are encouraged to consult with members of the Research Committee throughout their grant period, as desired.
Summary of General Guidance and Expectations of Award Use
Participants selected for the +Policy Research Fellowship are expected:
- To devote time during AY 2024-25 and early summer 2025 to jointly determined activities
- To submit a progress and budget report by July 2025 to the +Policy Network, with followup progress reporting annually for the following two years so that the group can track its investments (3 progress reports total)
- To submit a 3–5-page policy brief describing project outcomes upon project completion or by the end of 2027, whichever occurs earliest, for posting on the +Policy Network website
- To present a seminar concerning the funded work to the Science, Technology and Engineering in Policy (STEP) seminar series or another +PN forum as appropriate
The selection committee will accord priority to initiatives that advance the aims of the +Policy Network. Those related to health policy will be considered separately and as noted, are particularly solicited this year. Other priority areas include research related to environmental or energy policy, technology policy (but other policy-related projects are welcome, too).
Funding is available for up to three research proposals (one specifically for health policy. The program is open to all faculty members at Virginia Tech with continuous or multi-year appointments (tenure-track/tenured, collegiate, research). Maximum awards are $10,000.
Application Guidelines
Applications must include: (a) signed cover sheet, including approval of Fellow’s department head/chair regarding summer stipend or an internal buy-out for Spring semester 2025 if requested (attached); (b) title of project; (c) Fellow or Scholar applicant information together with that of team members and/or mentors; (d) A research narrative of 3-5 pages; and (e) budget and budget narrative. Policy Scholar and +Policy Fellow proposals for developing expertise in a new content area must also include a paragraph describing their expected mentoring or learning plan.
In addition, proposals for both programs should address:
- Significance of the issue, problem, or situation under study
- Goal(s) of the research and an explanation of how the +Policy Fellowship or the Policy Scholar award will strengthen or enhance an extant research project or a scholar’s ability to become competitive in a new area of inquiry
- Brief justification for each item of the proposed budget (separate page)
For +Policy Fellows only, proposals should also include:
- Plans for securing external funds in support of research with a policy dimension.
For all Scholar and mentored +Policy Fellow proposals only, please also include:
- How the applicant will gain experience with or learn about policy research (Scholar), or develop knowledge in a new content area (Fellow), e.g. expected mentoring plan.
Applications will be evaluated on the following criteria:
- Clearly described, reasonable and attainable (aims) and approach
- Distinctive policy content
- Potential impact of deliverables
- Potential for securing external funds (for +Policy Fellow proposals)
- Expected mentoring plan (for Scholar proposals and +Policy Fellows addressing a new content area)
- The +PN reserves the right not to consider proposals that are unresponsive to the particulars of this call
Budget Guidelines: Maximum grant award is $10,000
Funds can be used for:
- Summer stipend or stipends not to exceed $8,000 inclusive of fringe benefits; https://policies.vt.edu/4296.pdf. Any summer stipend for mentors or research team members cannot exceed that provided the Fellow or Scholar. Spring 2025 course release up to $8,000 for Fellows or Scholars, with amount determined by home department buy-out rates and up to $2,500 for collaborating research team or mentor(s)
- Research assistant support
- Collaborating research team activities that promote the team and + Policy Fellow collaboration are acceptable, such as coordination expenses, research assistant support, consultation with funding agencies, external consultants/speakers, and so on.
- If two faculty members plan to collaborate on proposed research, the applicant for +Policy Fellow and the partnering content expert, or the Policy Scholar and partnering mentor, should submit a budget appropriate for the proposed project
Submission Requirements and Deadline
Applications should be prepared using 1-inch margins and Arial 11 font or larger. Submit an ecopy of the complete application and signed cover sheet to Isabel Bradburn (isbrad@vt.edu) by September 30, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. Acknowledgement of receipt of applications will be acknowledged within 48 hours and funding decisions communicated in early October.
Notification of Award/Availability of Funds
Funds will be dispersed upon approval of a +Policy Fellow or Policy Scholar project. Any unencumbered funds as of June 1, 2025 must be returned to the +PN. Any change in budget allocation requires approval by the Research Committee Chair or the +Policy Network Director.
We encourage questions or discussion about ideas, tracks and any aspect of this call. Please contact the +PN Director Isabel Bradburn (isbrad@vt.edu) or +PN Research Committee Chairperson Max Stephenson (mstephen@vt.edu).