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Health and Environmental Policy: Local to National Panel

Health and Environmental Policy: Local to National Panel (sponsored by the +Policy Network)

  • Thursday, Feburary 20th
  • 209 Norris Hall (Zoom available upon request)
  • Register here

Join panelists in 209 Norris Hall on February 20 at 12:00 PM to discuss intersections of health and environmental policy. How and in what ways do health considerations affect environmental policies at the local, state, and federal levels? How can we move forward? A light lunch will be provided, and a Zoom option is available upon request. Audience participation invited and encouraged. Please contact Isabel Bradburn with any questions regarding the event.

Moderator: Julia Gohlke, a national expert in environmental health, Professor of Population Health Sciences, and faculty lead of the +Policy Health Policy Focal Area. Panelists will present different research and policy perspectives and are:

If you are an individual with a disability and desire an accommodation, please contact Isabel Bradburn at least 10 business days prior to the event.